1) To start your Autumn Equinox ceremony, light a candle to acknowledge the light within the dark. You can also enjoy doing this around an outdoor campfire.
2) Next, take some time to write down all you are grateful for so far this year. Acknowledge the blessings and the lessons you have learned. Acknowledge yourself.
3) Then, look at where your life might be out of balance at this Autumn Equinox. A few suggested areas to consider:
- Are you mainly doing things that fill you up energetically or drain you?
- Is life full of variety or has it become dull?
- Is there too much change where some routine would help to calm things down?
- Are you feeling connected to others, isolated or in need of some alone time?
- Do you receive equally as much as you give?
4) Ask, how are your doing on the goals you set for this year? Are any changes/adjustments needed this Autumn Equinox? Are there new goals to add? Are there goals you haven’t started yet?
5) From this questioning on three pieces of paper write down:
- What are you letting go of?
- What are your intentions moving forward?
- Your gratitude list.
Finally, burn the pieces of paper using a candle or put the pieces in a ceramic or wooden bowl and allow them to burn in the bowl. Visualize being able to send these thoughts to the light and let grace bless you. Fully trust all will come when the time is right for you.
One important thing to consider when setting goals/intentions around Autumn Equinox is our need for rest over the Winter period. Now is the time for creativity and new ideas, and to start to plant some seeds but remember to allow yourself to slow down over Winter. Factor this in so come Springtime you’ll be full of energy to power ahead.
Once the intentional papers are ash, bury them in your yard. The final step of this ceremony is to allow the earth to continue the healing and nurture your intentions to come.
This is a great ceremony to do with friends and family or on your own, with a meal using all fall foods like apples, pumpkins, and squash.